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- RetardedTruckControls
Pretty sure this is a control set for a big truck. Deuce and a Half or maybe a 5-ton truck. I never drove those monstrosities. - pup tent
Better than nothing. Most of the time. - P-38
P-38 survival can opener. One of these would come in a C-Rat box so you could open the cans. The P-51 is superior, being a bit larger and built better. Either could fit in your wallet. - P1 erected
A fully erect P1A. (The P2 had triangular shaped forward wings, not the square ones shown here.) - p2-model-hemmit
- NowThatsABeerGlass
Now THOSE are beer glasses! I never did make it to Oktoberfest. Stupid 1st Lieutenant, leading us on a goose-chase. - Mick - made it to LTC
Capt. Mick was my battery commander when I was in Germany. Heck of a good dude. - MickeyMouseBoots
These were a pain to use. - Mess Kit
- Manual
- MAN on hard stand
- MAN Hauler
- MAN and others
Caravan in the woods. This is pretty typical of the sort of experience I had in Germany. Those MAN trucks were amazing. Way better than any of the other Army trucks I had to ride in. - Launch-early
I think this is a P1 (as opposed to P1A) because of the tracked erector-launchers. Definitely from before my time. I never got to see one fired IRL. - itsnotagasmask
Yes these were used as pillows. Not good pillows, but better than nothing. And in a pinch they could even filter out bad gasses - but don't call them "gas masks" because that's not the Army way.