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- MurdererMal
- RingOfTheRavens
Ring of the Ravens A dark metal ring decorated with ravens that have tiny gems for eyes, this ring allows the wearer to use a bonus action and one charge to turn into a flock of ravens that swarm through space in a line up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space that you can see. You can bring yourself, all your equipment, and one other person of up to medium size, including all their equipment. All creatures within 5' of the line that you designate must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution savings throw or take 3d10 necrotic damage. The ring regains 1d4 charges after a long rest, and has a maximum of 5 charges. - correlation
- DMingForKids
Picture of a grandfatherly figure game mastering for some kids. - dnd-beyond-logo
- FreeSpeechVsIndoctrination
- FascismIsCommunism
Fascism is Communism accepting that Capitalism is useful & necessary and then controlling it through regulation. - Why I Dont Trust Government
- Alabama 11 year old defender
- StoneCircle
This is a stone circle (ala Stonehenge) I crafted. - TomBastian
Tom in barracks - TomAndWho
Tom and a guy I sorta remember - SgtTom
- PershingProud
- GooseMonster
The goose from the Untitled Goose Game as a D&D monster.